TAPAS Y ALEGRÍA We present to you the event "Tapas y Alegría" which will take place on 19 March 2022, after three cancelled attempts due to the COVID pandemic. The aim is to combine the art of dance with the joy of sharing delicious Spanish tapas in a relaxed atmosphere, while contributing to continue supporting GAM and its sustainable development projects in 2022. Tickets are on sale now. You can purchase them by contacting us through our social networks or by sending us an email. Seating is limited and a Covid Safe Ticket will be required at the entrance. We look forward to seeing yout here! In 2022, GAM asbl will support at least 3sustainable projects:
- "Samburu women's literacy programme (3rd andfinal phase)". Location: Lodoung'okwe (Kenya). Objectives: to provide Samburu women with adequate training to enable them to start a family business and to meet the schooling needs of their children. Empowerment of Samburu women. - "Endowment and refurbishment of thecommunity hall." Location: Lodung'okwe(Kenya). Objectives: To repair the facilities of the multi-purpose community hall for training and human promotion sessions, as well as to equip it with the necessary material to facilitate the meetings of the local communities. This is an unprecedented project in the region. - "Water for all: drilling a well for drinkingwater." Location: Kounahiri (Côte d'Ivoire). Objectives: to supply drinking water to the Reception Centre, financed by GAM in 2019, and to part of the population of Kounahiri. To improve the living conditions of the local community. More information about our projects at: https://www.gam-asbl.com/projects.html Les commentaires sont fermés.
Septembre 2023
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